For those of you who haven't been bitten by the Instagram bug yet, this is my junk-a-rama from last Saturday. Days like that are what keep me going back because you just never know.
The doll is an Annalee Victorian Santa. I got oodles of those old slider bingo cards. Some went to the booth and some are listed on Etsy if anyone is looking for some.
The barkcloth drape was my favorite find of the day and has already sold.
I'm really trying to avoid more ornaments but it is hard to resist when they are in original boxes and even harder when they are pink teardrop shapes. The old Snoopy pull toy had an adorable waddle to his walk and has already moved on to a new home.
I needed another satin vanity box like a hole in my head but this is the first one I have seen that was two colors. That's a good enough excuse, right?
I'm getting well stocked for Christmas. Maybe too well stocked since it is barely June!
Close-up shot of this interesting handiwork. Two colors of rick-rack woven together and then crocheted in to an edging. If any of you are interested in decoding the pattern just let me know and I will be happy to send it to you.
Manatee Springs State Park on the Suwannee River
8 hours ago
WOW! What a haul. Heck, yeah, I'd keep going back for more Christmas ornaments in their original boxes. You scored, lady. Way to go! And glad several things have already sold. You is a ROCK STAR.
Hugs, Marrianna
What a load of vintage goodness! It's never too early to start buying ornaments; you're going to be so far ahead of the game when the holidays roll around. Love the bark cloth!
The junking goddess has been so good to you!!! I do love that rick-rack/crochet edging. I don't know if I could decode it, though. I wish I had a place where I could find the goodies you have found!!! me jealous... Best wishes, Fonda
Wow, a junk bonanza!!! I think the ornaments are a great buy! You will be so happy you have them when the holidays roll around. Thank you for checking in....I finally got a quiet moment now at 1am lol. I wish you could come to the Polka Dot Flea too!!! That would be soooo fun, maybe one day after you retire you could come! In another week (After the Flea) I will be able to breath and have 6 months off....Until it starts all over again!
That's an amazing haul, especially those pink ornies in the original boxes. Stunning! I'm crazy for the crochet and rick rack trims. I'd never be able to decode a pattern as I can barely crochet, but I buy it when I see it just because it fascinates me. Your hydrangeas are also stunning, by the way! Saw them on Instagram.
I haven't been to my goodwill outlet in ages. If I was still rewarded with good junk, like you have been, I would definitely reconsider!
I love all the Christmas stuff and wish I could find it here. Like everyone else said, you'll be glad you have come the holidays.
what a haul
You can never have to many christmas ornaments.
You find the best stuff anyway and its always fun seeing your newest finds
What great stuff -- I would have had to get the quilted box, too! Nice color combo. Interesting trim!
You have a knack for finding awesome stuff.
Kathy, thank you for your kind comments on the Orlando tragedy. You are so right...We have had 3 tragedies, the toddler killed by the alligator made me sick to my stomach! I live here and walk around the lakes every day and have never given a thought to alligators. So, I see how someone from the Midwest would be totally oblivious to the danger...Oh, it is all so sad!!!
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