It has been quite a while since I did a post about something I don't collect. Tins definitely fit that category. I never head out picking thinking, gosh maybe I will find a tin today. You don't have to find tins. They are everywhere.
Sometimes they contain buttons or other sewing notions and many of those get emptied out and go straight back into the donate pile. Sometimes they don't contain anything at all but seem too pretty to leave behind {pick me, pick me}.
Sometimes I already have one just like it so I think I need to bring home it's mate. I have never bought a pair of shoes because I had just a pair just like it at home. Well, okay, I have, but they were a different color so that doesn't count.
There is no rhyme or reason as far as age, maker or original purpose. As I gathered them up, though, I noticed they are almost all floral. That should come as no surprise! Looking them over, I realize I am pretty tolerant about condition.
A few are used for storage in the art room. Most just sit on a shelf in the guest bedroom and wait for me to think of something to do with them. An accidental collection.
Manatee Springs State Park on the Suwannee River
7 hours ago