Aaaaah! Vacation at last! Work has been really intense for the last couple of months and FINALLY 13 days in a row with no alarm clock. It has been WAY too long coming. Over a month since I have posted - I'm such a slacker! Tomorrow we head off to the Rogue Bed&Brew at the Oregon coast. No chores, no to-do list, OMG!
Okay, so what will I do with 13 days... we all know I'm no good and sitting down for very long. I really need to work on that. The garden is looking pretty good in spite of the lack of attention. So many thing I would like to move, change spruce up. Maybe by the time I get back from the coast I will have "decompressed".
- I could finish the ill-fated hallway/ bathroom redecoration project. Began in March and set aside until July and STILL not finished. Three doors painted and one to go ( I have no doors in my hallways except the bathroom), new glass doorknobs ordered and received, bathroom paint and floor selected. Yes, I could just press on and finish. Much work but I will feel much accomplishment and it will make my eyes happy!
- The garden, oh yes the garden. Pulling weeds in my bathrobe, making everything just so. Plucking weeds is so relaxing and mindless and the end result does make my eyes happy!
- Visiting Rita Deco in Portland's Hollywood district. On my list forever!
- An art project for my office wall that's been inside my head for a while now.
Or maybe not... So many possibilities and only 13 days. Did I say that out loud - ONLY 13 days! It's never enough but be careful what I wish for. A girl does have to make a living, after all!
I will take the camera to Newport and play and I won't think about "what if". I will play for 2 days and see what unfolds.
Here is the VERY best part. Labor Day weekend is my two-year milestone on the long journey from breast cancer warrior to breast cancer SURVIVOR. I am finally feeling like my old self, with my old energy and I can do ANYTHING I want and I don't just want to sit on my recliner chair and rest. SO awesome to have all the possibilities in front of me. I am grateful for the dilemma!