This was a daunting week for me. The chaos of lots of company throwing me off my comfortable routine, a (thankfully!) brief bout with some little cold or allergy and our “test” system at work going unavailable which left me dead in the water for most of the projects I’m working. Then my friend Carol gave me her March 2009 issue of The Oprah Magazine with an article called “The Storyteller” book marked for me on page 153. OMG! I rarely read books anymore because I spend what little free time I have playing in my art room. Sandra Cisneros! Who knew! Her take on life and art rocked my world. She put her priorities and goals in order at a young age and, most importantly, gave her self the permission to be who she is. It is easy to say things like “follow your dream” and “be true to yourself” but I think it is the rare individual who finds life balance and manages to make a living, balance work and personal goals and still hang onto who they really are. I will read this story again and again. Thank you Sandra! BTW… be sure and visit her website at http://www.sandracisneros.com/. There is a link to an excerpt from the Oprah article on her homepage and her website is great fun. Be sure to check out the “Button Box”. I swooned! Ebaying buttons was the beginning of my Internet experience and I didn't have just a button box, I had a button TRUNK. I had a suitcase full that I could barely lift and those were just the ones I didn't care about and hauled in to the office so my co-workers could paw through them. This woman is a writer PLUS she likes buttons, old typewriters, occupied Japan porcelain and has the soul of a collage artist!
So about the picture in this post…
This view is right next to my driveway so I see it each morning and each evening as I pull in and out. The emerging bulbs give me hope that we will be released from the worst Winter I can remember in years. I think Sandra would say something like…. “The ripe, swollen daffodil lost patience for the warmth of Spring to reach down through the damp, dusky scented earth so it pushed upward, breaking free from it’s Winter prison, lifting it’s just-born face skyward, seducing the Spring sun to come closer”. Yes, I’m certain she would say something like that.
So about the picture in this post…
This view is right next to my driveway so I see it each morning and each evening as I pull in and out. The emerging bulbs give me hope that we will be released from the worst Winter I can remember in years. I think Sandra would say something like…. “The ripe, swollen daffodil lost patience for the warmth of Spring to reach down through the damp, dusky scented earth so it pushed upward, breaking free from it’s Winter prison, lifting it’s just-born face skyward, seducing the Spring sun to come closer”. Yes, I’m certain she would say something like that.
I might look at the old typewriters when I make my weekly pilgrimage to the Volunteers of America store.....