Sunday, April 17, 2016

Saturday Finds

This week flew by so that must mean I'm having fun!  8+)  I mostly post my favorite finds on Instagram but figured my poor little neglected blog could use a shot of vintage.
This is a flattering shot of this little dolly since most of the hair on the left side of her head is missing.  She is complete with both arms and legs {{gasp}} so she will be heading to the booth as-is.  The birdhouse isn't vintage but has the look so it will fit in nicely with the Spring theme going on over there.
We are predicted to have 88 degrees tomorrow - in APRIL for crying out loud.  That is 41 degrees higher than last Thursday.  Crazy.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Where the Wild Things Are

 I don't keep up with my garden the way I once did since I'm a bit older and busy growing my junky business. Luckily there are some wild things that show up year after year despite lack of attention from me. I used to fight this wild Lily of the Valley but have learned to embrace it as a sign that Summer is right around the corner.
I am especially fond of the wild Bleeding Heart.  The blossoms are not as big as the hybrid variety but it blooms and flourishes all Summer long instead of dying back after a short hurrah.
Soon the volunteer Foxglove will be here with their annual show - blooming wherever they chose to plant themselves.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Side By Side

These vintage children's ice skates are so adorable!  I found them at lunchtime today.  All afternoon I was picturing two tiny ice dancers whirling and twirling their way around the rink.
I would say they fit 6 - 8 year olds.  Yes, I know Mom probably dropped them off at the skating rink or maybe even the edge of the frozen lake so she could get a little piece of peace but I like my story better so I'm sticking with it.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Surprise Buttons

While I was on vacation I had the rare pleasure of getting to spend time with a dear friend IN PERSON.  We stay in touch but we both work full time so face time is a real treat.  She surprised me with a blue Ball jar AND a tin of buttons.
She is not a button person but she knows I love them.  She scored BIG on these.  As soon as I started rolling over the jar and looking inside I realized it wasn't an ordinary jar of buttons.  This was some one's collection!
There were very few "ordinary" buttons.  These pearly ones look like earrings but they are buttons.
Beautiful Lucite!
Extruded celluloid and a tiger-stripe glow bubble below it.
Glass buttons and some beautiful dark red casin buttons.
Some wooden buttons and some unusual rectangular metal buttons.
Green glass buttons seem to be the hardest to find and love those glass eye buttons!

As found.  Thank you dear friend.  The only thing better than sorting all these beautiful buttons was hanging out with you!