Friday, April 10, 2009


This was a day filled with emotion at our house. Our sewer had to undergo an emergency colonoscopy this morning. The symptoms had increased over the past week and this morning there was a violent eruption on the patio that couldn't be ignored any longer. Professionals were called in and after several hours of exploratory surgery the cause of the blockage was revealed. We held hope that arthroscopic surgery could purge the polyp but the tumorous root of the problem had grown much too large (damn maple tree!). A stiff shot for the owners, a large check and a jackhammer appear to be the last best hope for saving the patient. The backhoe arrives at 7:00am tomorrow...
This is a page from my altered book that I was working on today to distract myself from the trauma. I'm not sure if it is finished or not.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Bird Shrine

My son came over and gave me some coaching on my pictures (thank you Casey!) so I have gone back and re-done them all and I think they look a little brighter now. Lifelong learning....
This bird shrine is made from a saltbox. Yes, the "when it rains it pours" stuff. Linda Warlyn's article in the May/June 2008 issue of Somerset Studio was my inspiration. I have collected vintage porcelain bird figurines for years and probably have more than 50 by now. I love my little birdies!
This weekend they are predicting NO RAIN and maybe high 60s!! Every day I pull into the driveway and think "that woman who lives here really should do something about that flowerbed!". I am so excited about spending some zen time in my garden!
The library finally got in a copy of Susan Tuttle's Exhibition36 and I can hardly wait to read it. I flipped through it while I was waiting in line and this might be one of those I will need to own. OMG...! What if the weather was so nice I could garden a little, sit in the sun and look at my book, garden a little, look at the book... Bliss!