I promised to show the "project" I picked up when I was out thrifting last Friday. Well, last year I discovered the joy of vintage Christmas ornaments and began collecting them as you might recall from this post. The pink ones got me jonesing for a pink tree on the table in the art room.
I have been on the lookout for a sparse feather or tinsel-style tree. No luck so far, at least not at a price I was willing to pay. I spotted this new-in-the-box silver Christmas card holder at the VOA and the muse snatched it up. I covered it with vintage pink tinsel garland I found on this trip.
My MIL has been here for Thanksgiving week and she spotted a white pearl pendant I could use to dress up the star so it stood out more. I covered it with pink Martha glitter and tied with sliver ribbon.
I didn't have nearly enough pink ornaments to get started so we made a trip to the Montecello Antique Mall on Saturday. There were WAY more than this newbie-collector was willing to spend in one trip but I got enough to have a good start on my "vision".
I even got a couple marked Poland that sweet Barbara at Oodles and Oodles was kind enough to educate me about.
I plan to bend the card holder rings in and out so I can create layers. It's a start and there is room for a LOT more ornaments, which is just fine by me. 8+)
Vintage Charm Party 483
10 hours ago