Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Recent Altered Book Pages

When I really need to relax I turn to my altered book project.  I read a lot about the value of play and how creative types should take time to play.  I never thought I had time to do that, or even knew what doing that looked like.  One day I realized that IS what I am doing when I work in my altered book, not unlike the day I realized I DO journal.  My altered book is my journaled collection of quotes.  What we do might not look like what somebody else is doing but it is the same in the end.  The creative things we do for no other reason than our personal pleasure.  Ha!  Some women take bubble baths.  I make stuff.


My Vintage Mending said...

Well said...some women run for miles...I make stuff too! You just can't see that on my body like you can on theirs. I keep trying to tell that to my husband. Smiles...Renee

Laurie said...

How great to have an ongoing project like that. I need to do that, too!

Annette said...

This is a very inspiring post! Now I need to find an ongoing project.