When I was a senior in High School I started every single morning by setting the needle down on my Dark Side of the Moon record at just the right spot to play Pink Floyd's "Time". For you young folks, a record is made of black vinyl and you need a turntable to play one. You couldn't pick which song you wanted to hear but you could learn where the song you wanted was positioned in the grooves and set the needle down in that spot. We still have a turntable at our house. Our grown-up kids and their friends think that is really cool - LOL! My granddaughter made me listen to Justin Beeber on the computer so made her listen to The Monkees. I am getting WAY off topic here....
So every morning I listened to that song. It probably had something to do with me leaving home for the big city as soon as I turned 18. I have spent my entire life running to catch up to the sun. I would like to think I could slow down when I retire and "smell the roses" but I have a feeling it is too late and I am hard-wired to rush. Until I spontaneously explode into a cloud of junk and glitter. Not a bad way to go.
Oh, this is the latest page in the altered book. Forgot to say that.
We'll Get To Just Enough
13 hours ago
"Rush" is my last name (really), and I have lived up to it because I am a procrastinator! Always trying to catch up.
Love Dark Side of the Moon. I heard them at a concert in Columbus, Ohio. I was in a field — not the stadium where they were playing — and I could hear them fine, thank you! {I just couldn't see them!}
My last turn table got stolen many years ago, and I never replaced it. I got rid of my records, too. I don't listen to music very much now, but we do have a CD collection of sorts. They're still packed away, and we moved in about 5 months ago! We're waiting to get some shelving that will cover one good-sized wall from Ikea in June/July. {Must save up for a purchase like that!}
Oh Kathy, I hear you (and your turntable). It does seem like everything is rush rush rush. It seems like maybe I should give something up, but what? This week I'm trying something new- live in the moment instead of always thinking about the NEXT thing I want to do- I'm hoping that will make me feel less rushed, but I'll still get as much done.
Retirement hasn't made much difference in how busy I am. Maybe how early I get out of the house though! lol Enjoy your day sweet lady. Love the Rush page! Hugs, Diane
We always had a turntable in my house growing up. I have one to this day in my living room. My first record I ever bought myself was The Beatles - Rubber Soul. I have quite the collection that I listen to.
I can relate! Thanks for the memories. I'd still rather listen to the Monkees than JB, and I still have my original Dark Side of the Moon album.
Oh I can so relate to your senior high days!! I have however learned to slow down a bit or I should say, organize and manage my time better so I don't have to rush. It only took me half my life to learn, haha. We have a newer turntable our son gave us one year for our anniversary. It is designed to take those old records, play them and record to CD's. We've not done one yet, just love to play the old records the way they were meant.
My hubby retired last March and started his new company which I am apart of too so we are busier then ever now. I keep thinking I am too old for all this but I suppose it will keep us young~~
p.s. I still love the Monkees!!
Have a great day. xo
Forgot to say, Love your pretty rush page!! too cute!
Im a rush, rush person too. I think you get wired that way. Take a day and slow down..before that cloud of glitter and junk arrives.
I slowed down once the nest was empty and don't miss the rushing! I think it's a hardwired thing too, just like being a night owl or early bird. We still have a turntable and all our albums, including Dark Side of the Moon. Maybe it's time to pull them all out!
Love your altered page and that cute bunny! :)
LOL I knew we were kindred spirits...I loved the Monkees. Here's the deal, when you quit working you won't slow down, you will just be doing everything you LOVE and be as busy as always.
Oh, I hope your kids had a great week in Orlando, they had great weather!
FLASHBACK (Oh and I like your journal spread LOL)....
I've been retired six years now and have definitely learned to live in the moment - maybe a bit too much! Busy or not, I assure you that you'll be so happy when the day comes!
We still have over 300 albums, but I sold both of our really great stereo systems because they took up too much space and besides, who would want to listen to albums when you have CDs? Oh, I miss those turntables, even though I'm all about iTunes now. The first album I bought all on my own was George Harrison's All Things Must Pass. Strange, I know, but I loved it.
I spent the first 2 years of retirement running around like crazy and trying to do too much. Finally, I have reached a happy medium and I am smelling the roses. Or as in the case of today, the lavender.
I wish I still had my old stereo system with my turn table and all my old albums. I really miss them.
I'm still a "Daydream Believer."
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