Oh.My.Gosh. I have to tell you that looking at so many over-the-top-beautiful blogs made me just a tad envious. Don't get me wrong, my room is great and I am lucky to have this space just for myself. It is pretty well organized as far as being able to find things, but it isn't "pretty". I don't think I can ever edit myself enough to have a color scheme but I started thinking about how I could make room for some pretty and inspiring displays. If I'm going to have room for that then I need to be realistic and edit out things that have found a home {parking space} here and I probably won't ever use them.
The first thing I decided to tackle was a pretty tin that is filled with neatly wound little bundles of floral ribbon. Really? It is pretty but I don't EVER use that kind of ribbon for ANYTHING. I keep it because I think that as soon as I get rid of it I will think of a use for it, you know? So I thought, how could I use this so it gets used up and goes away? So I am low on packing peanuts so I thought I will shred this and it will make pretty packing material. First I tried feeding it through my paper shredder. As you can see above, that did NOT work.
So I went after it with my rotary cutter, probably completely dulling the blade on the acetate.
I am not finished yet but I have managed to take something that fit neatly in a small tin and turn it into something that takes up four times as much space and I don't know where to put it. And I need to vacuum. Hmmm.
I am going to take those two baskets of greeting cards and THROW THEM AWAY and I am NOT going to try to make them all into gift tags. NO.
I am going to take that tomato juice can I covered with pretty paper and filled with very dusty fake sunflowers about a zillion years ago and THROW IT AWAY.
I am going to donate that cute box made from vintage postcards and donate it because I am NEVER going to get around to deconstructing it to figure out the pattern. Okay, maybe I will take a picture and see if someone here wants it.
I am going to go through the drawers of metal and plastic junk and THROW AWAY the stuff I will never seriously use.
Okay, I have said it out loud and you can hold me to it!
This week has NOT been without some great junking so stay tuned. Maybe some of it will even turn up in a sweet display in my new and improved art room.
Feeding Your Soul
2 hours ago
Can you hear me laughing? Oh my goodness, I can totally relate. I need to do some serious purging myself. It takes courage, lots of courage:-)
I hear you on the purging. Every once in awhile I wonder why the heck I am holding onto something or some craft supply that i will never use. Good to clear it out occasionally...so more can come in!
You never know -- your trash is probably someone else's treasure. :-) Hoping your fine example of purging rubs off on me very soon!
Purge away! I do it every once in a while. I look at something and wonder why I ever saved it and the 10 others like it. Out they go. It feels good.
I like that you are trying to recycle some of it.
Everyone is cheering you on but we all secretly want to know what you're throwing out. LOL! Why is it that we have all this stuff that never seems to get used? It's the hoarder in me that says save it for a project -SOMEDAY. Well someday is here and I figure if it isn't valuable, usable or beautiful it's going. I'm with Laurie, make room for the new stuff. Good luck with the purge!
What a great way to use the ribbon!! Have fun going through all your goodies!! I am holding you to this!! xo Heather
Wait...wait..wait.. I loved your rom. But I here you on the purge. In fact I do it often. I only miss a few things every once in a while. Smiles...Renee
You go girl - nothing wrong with a good purge now and then. My experience is it does not take long to "replace" any of it LOL...
hahahaah I can just picture you nose to the ground like a sniffing dog, twirling in the room saying "what can go, what can go" pant pant pant..
Purge away is right girl! Remember who is writing this. lol...the queen of purge and organize.
If it is too difficult to throw..perhaps make up some grab bag collections of ephemera and perhaps some of your readers would wish to purchase for the price of flat rate postage?
I'm also decluttering this week because of looking at all those lovely studios. It is so hard to get rid of usable items even if you don't want to use them. I absolutely love your idea for turning the ribbon into packing material! Way to recycle it and put it to a good use!
Your studio looks awesome. Heck, I've been purging for two years. I just keep going back through and getting rid of stuff.
I never would have thought of shredding the ribbon for packing. This gives me an idea for all the spools and spools and spools of ribbon I have and know I'll never use! I'm looking forward to seeing the displays you come up!
Oh I can so totally relate! I think that ribbon cutting idea was ingenious! Stuff it all tightly into a smaller plastic clear bag and hang the bag from something, near where you do your shipping! I'm impressed with your downsizing -- I'm doing that TODAY as a matter of fact. Just a couple little piles, but...BABY STEPS!
If you ever have any ribbon you are looking to get rid of, I will gladly take it off your hands!!! I have no need to purge as I struggle to afford supplies so bring it on!
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