There haven't been any estate sales on my side of town recently so I was really looking forward to the ones listed for today. The first house was filled to the rafters with mantiques. Clearly a book hoarder and no woman had ever lived in that house. I did find a nice little pile, though, including sheet music with great covers plus my very favorite find of the day. I might cruise back over to that one for half price day tomorrow. Who doesn't want radio tubes at half price??
Do they still make a Skipper doll, Barbie's little sister? I had Skipper and Scooter and Ricky when I was a girl. I was never a doll girl and it's till true, but I always buy paper dolls when I find them. I AM a paper girl.
The title on this sheet music tugs the heart strings. WWI. I have not idea what that metal thing is but I knew when I saw it that it would come home with me.
Sweet sheet music cover. I got three with a bird theme - yay! That wooden tag on the keys is labeled with ballpoint pen and says Cabin #136 Silver Springs.
My favorite find of the day!! "I Married Adventure" by Osa Johnson. I remember the summer of 1968, between 8th and 9th grade, when I read this book. It used to be in my mother's bookcase and I don't know what happened to it and always wished I could have it back. What to my wondering eyes should appear. Even in the hoarder house of books this cover jumped right out at me. The spine is pretty filthy. Any ideas for how I could clean it up??
I really am trying to not buy any more vintage linens but a bundle of 11 for $2 and none of them broken. Well duh. Could.Not.Resist. I also bought a box of interesting bits and pieces of bling. There are three interesting pins in the center of this picture. They say USSR 1965. I have looked on line and can't find a thing about them. I think they are interesting since that was the height of the cold war. If you know something about them please let me know.
I might have gotten the junking out of my system, or maybe not. We will see what develops tomorrow! Half price day, you know....
A Desert Rose Christmas
1 hour ago
Glad to know there were some sales out there and someone hit them. I did not even enter an estate sale this weekend - crazy with life instead. Fun finds.
You really had a bunch of good finds. The sheet music is so sweet and I don't know what that metal thing is either but would have brougt it home, too.
I have to live through you as there's nothing happening sale-wise out in my neck of the woods. I always like to see what catches your eye. Hope you're back for 1/2 price day as I type this... :-)
Don't you just feel like you hit the jackpot when you find something you didn't think you would see again? It just makes your heart sing!
Sounds like my kind of place...any kind of hoard going on! You sure found yourself a great stash of fun. Don't you love it when you find something that brings back so many memories?
Try cleaning with a VERY SLIGHTLY dampened Mr Clean erase thingie?
I agree with the Mr. CIlean. It sees to work for me better than some. Nothing better than finding a great book from your past. Love that metal ring thing. Haven't seen a skipper in years. Smiles...Rnee
Great finds! I can't pass up linens either - love 'em, especially the hand embroidered ones!
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