Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Goal Completed - More or Less!

Waaay back last winter I blogged that my art room "fix up" for this year was to add shelves in one side of the closet and a dresser in the other side.  I showed you the shelves I found in this post.  Ha! I just re-read it and realized I said I was going to do both that week.  Well, better late than never.  At least it's the same year!

 The Goodwill that is near my office had everything 50% off last week because they are moving to a brand new, fancy-shmancy building down the street.  Goodwill is like that here in Portland.  I like to call them the Nordstoms of thrift stores.  Big prices and they make LOTS of money.  Enough about that.  50% off = $15.00 for this perfect little maple dresser.  Check out the three shallow drawers on the top - love that!
This is how it fits in the left side of the closet.  Oh.My.Goodness. That side of the closet was jam packed so it took me days to empty it out and sort everything and PURGE.  Guess, where most of it is going...  you guessed it, Goodwill.  Hmm.  Something seems wrong with this story. 
I still haven't done the art room reorganizing to spread out into this new storage space but it's right there waiting for me.  Calling to me.  Sush, dresser...
Thanks to all of you who have entered my SugarCushion giveaway.  If you haven't entered yet it is open until Sunday so just leave a comment on this post to enter.
Good luck!


Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

These things take time. You wouldn't believe all the projects I have and how long they've been on my "to do" list. Love the dresser and all the storage it provides. It looks like a perfect fit. Didn't it feel good to get a closet all cleaned out?

barbara said...

I think there's a nice symmetry to the dresser coming home from Goodwill and the stuff to make room for it going there. Too bad they wouldn't just let you trade.

Annette said...

I like Barbara's idea of trading! The dresser looks like a perfect fit. Glad you were able to find one. I can never find something like that when I'm looking for it!