Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Before and After

Everybody knows how I love the hunt and the rescue! I found these little boxes at the Volunteers last Sunday morning. I have no idea what I am going to put in them but I know they will find a place somewhere in my art room.
They were a little worse for wear and then the Volunteers had wrapped tape around them, like they do, to keep the drawers from falling out and getting lost - Grrrr. I don't have to tell you what happens when you pull off the tape. A roll of wrapping paper I had laying around and a little Mod Podge and they are good to go!
Now all I have to do is figure out WHERE they will go.

1 comment:

Annette said...

What a great idea with the wrapping paper. I would have automatically thought of painting them! Now they're bright and cheery for the art room!