Sunday, January 13, 2013

Close Enough!

I didn't get my workbench 100% cleaned off and I didn't get my Etsy quite back to 200 but I gave it my best shot this weekend and I'm calling it close enough - at least for a few days.  I took one quick side trip to the VOA where I bought the sweet little seashell bouquet on the right side in this picture.  I cleaned up and re-organized this shelf while I was on vacation last month so this is "re-cluttering".
Room to breath! 
I did have my first international sale since adding it to my Etsy listings and it was a bumpy start.  The shipping label wouldn't display so I could print it.  Etsy was very responsive to my request for help and suggested the website site might have been unavailable at the moment.  There isn't an intuitive message when that happens like there is with PayPal.  I have no idea if that was the case or not but I kept going back and clicking here and there and it finally displayed and I was able to print it.  A little learning curve maybe, but still easier than standing on the line at the post office!
I had several sales but none using a credit card yet so that learning curve is still ahead.
A busy weekend and I am ready to coast for a few days!


Annette said...

What a pretty little bouquet. Glad to hear you had an international sale and easily resolved that little hiccup.
I'm so excited to start on my sewing room redo next week!

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Your workbench is looking good to me. I love your paint brush storage idea, those milk glass jars are perfect. What a sweet shell's OK to re-clutter with treasures like that.

Andy's Attic said...

It all looks good to me. Love how you organized the paint brushes!! glad you had a successful Etsy intl sale!! Yea!! How in the world did you get Etsy to help you? I find their help section useless!

vintage grey said...

Your craft room is so sweet!! Looks like you are ready to create!! xo Heather

Into Vintage said...

Congrats on all of your organizing, Stilllll working on it over here...

I had the same problem at first with etsy shipping and for me, it was because pop-ups were blocked from their site and I had to undo that pop-up thing-a-ma-jig in Chrome to get it to work. Always something, it seems. ;-)

Laurie said...

Hey! That is news to me that you can print international from Etsy -- does it need to go Priority Intl from their site like from USPS online? Your studio is looking fab...mine is about 1/2 done, maybe...sigh...!