I have been slowly sorting things into the new cabinet I told you about in this post. Sorting is harder than it looks. When I see things all beautifully sorted and organized on other blogs it looks like it makes sense and all so organized. Not so easy, at least not for me! I thought I would show you some of the trays I have filled so far and reach out for some advice.
I read a post once, Kari Meng I think, where she said she orgaized everything into drawers according to color. Well that seems easy enough. I have read the Where Women Create Book of Organization. Rebecca Purcel sorts according to some numbering system that exists only inside her head. Easy for all of them to say.
So let's say you have a blue hankie. Does it get sorted to the hankie stash or to the blue tray? What about game pieces, do they get sorted by color or stay in the jar of game pieces? Vintage rayon seam binding - the seam binding box or by color in the tray? Clearly all of the white lace cannot go in the white tray because there is too much.
I am slowly sorting and have a few boxes filled. I love how inspiring they look but will I know where to look to find what I want??
Please share your strategy - I would love to hear!
Feeding Your Soul
3 hours ago
Oh, you are doing so great with sorting! I only wish I was this organized. ;) xo Heather
These two trays are making my heart go pitter patter! You have some lovely things, and it makes me happy to see them in the trays sorted by color. That said, other than my ribbon I can't seem to sort by color, but then I barely sort at all! Can't wait to see the comments from others as I'm hoping to pick up some tips along with you.
This looks absolutely amazing by color but I have only ever sorted by like items. Except my buttons which sort by color. However, I do like the look of the color items. I would never be able to get them all in one spot though. What about a few favorite colored items in those boxes and refill as you use for inspiration. Keep me posted on the progress. I am always looking for ways to improve. Smiles...Renee
I love the sorting by color..total eye candy. I sort by item tho for the most part or by specific holiday. I guess I do sort by color somewhat as black and orange goes in the Halloween bin or red white and blue in the 4th of July bin. Pipe cleaners sorted by color. I think I have no rhyme nor reason and multiple sorting goes on in my studio! Don't look to me for jumbled advice...
Your trays are just lovely! Sorting by color has always seemed so beautiful to me. But then I would never know what I had. I sort by what an item is and if I have a huge amount of one color of an item, I put them together with the other like items. It certainly isn't pretty but it is practical for me. I am a simple person...
There is something calming and soothing about your trays! I guess I hadn't really thought about how I sort until now. I keep like things together but sort them by color. Well, some things are sorted by color!!
Hi Kathy, I'm absolutely the wrong person to ask for sorting advice. I so understand the "blue hankie" issue--the overlapping categories make my head swim. I do love your color coordinated boxes--they look really inspiring. That could be your "first tier" of organization, for the prettiest things of that color grouped together, left open and visible for visual inspiration. And then a "second tier" of more practical, boring boxes, holding the balance of all the seam bindings, the thread, etc.
Good luck! I need to bite the bullet and get some clean-up work done over here, too.
Also, thanks for stopping by my blog, and offering your two cents about my Etsy store categories. I'm keeping it as is for now, with both sections in the same store. Thanks again.
I don't know if sorting by color alone would work for me (with the exception of fabric) but it makes for some lovely photos.
:-) I tend to sort like items together and then 'sub-sort' by color although the 'stacks of stuff' approach is generally my go-to for organizing...
Sorting by color is so pretty, but I don't think it would work for me. I have to sort by category. If you ever find a system for sorting fabric, let me know. Mine right now is "most of it fits in this big trunk."
Your sorted trays look so pretty. I sort by type and sometimes in sub categories such as buttons by color. I like things in jars that I can see into. Jars of buckles, jars of game pieces, jars of flowers, etc.. Your system will have to be a system that makes sense to you. I think you have an excellent start.
Kathy - these two trays are beautiful! I sort by color...and if there are several colors in it - say a multi-colored piece of paper - squint and go with the dominant color : ) oh yes, and I sort by subject....and by item....and.....maybe you can help me!
Kathy....You have given me such a wonderful idea using colors to separate items. I have three big drawers chocked full and needing organizing. Color is the ticket!
Thanks so much for sharing.
Such an interesting topic. I don't think I could bear to sort by color like that. I sort by type of thing, and colors within that thing, or themes (like holiday.) Lately, I don't do much sorting at all.
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