Once again I have succumbed to my short attention span. After I got my art room put back together I planned to work on a new bias tape project to post as an example to go along with the bias tape inspiration kits I listed in my
Etsy store. Uh-huh, that's what I planned to do.
Then Alayna asked if I wanted to go along with her to the library. I wasn't really looking for anything since I usually just reserve books online and then go pick them up but I said I'd go along for the ride. She had some research to do so I was just browsing the isles to see what's new when I ran across this wonderful book by Helen Gibb called "
Ribbonwork The Complete Guide". Her work is amazing so naturally I had to check it out. Good grief, I'm so easily distracted by sparkly things!

At home I pulled out a bunch of odds and ends and we all know I DO have odds and ends. The really big leaves under the red rose are made from satin blanket binding. I have odds and ends but they aren't always the right ones - LOL! I have been making my way through the book trying some of the patterns and techniques. Facinating - especially learning about all the different types of ribbon. That lead to a field trip to Fabric Depot and a couple of fancy ribbons. Good thing I don't have enough money to just get on a plane to France!
I have no clue what I'm going to do with all these bits and pieces I'm making but I know I MUST own this book. I am just trying to figure out what else to buy so I can get the free shipping at Amazon. I'm thinking Kaari Meng's "
French Inspired Jewelry". I have that one checked out from the library, too, and it's pure EYE CANDY. No, no, no I am NOT going to make any jewelry. I am NOT! But I did sew three little seed beads on to one of the leaves I made, just to see what it would look like. Man.