After the fun finds I scored in the lunchtime picking, I couldn't resist going back on Saturday to see what I could find without a deadline. I still wasn't inclined to spend hours there so this is what I came up with in about 90 minutes. That big beige thing in the back is a square lampshade. I love the shape and it looks good enough for a make-over. Laurie, the honeycomb bells are in the Ethel box.
I found another Starline suitcase. It isn't as small as a train case but what I would call an overnight bag. This one is in worse shape but I still think I will be able to rescue it.
A pretty vintage tin and some wooden spools I need like a hole in the head. I am going to have to list some because I can't get the lid on the jar anymore. I am so much better at finding than I am at listing.
More Shiny Brite ornaments and a big pile of silver and gold leaves.
Play money and game pieces. That is a self-healing cutting mat under them. I picked that up for the son. He isn't a crafter but he likes to tinker with things.
Another little Dennison "book" to add to my collection and a beautiful Westmorland milk glass vase. Sorry about the way it washed out in the photo. That book under the bell isn't old. It is one of those storage boxes like Michael's sells. I figured it would come in handy for something and the prices are right at The Bins.
I grabbed a box filled with repro Victoria-style die-cut Christmas ornaments because a few of this style were in the box. They seem to be made of wax. Does anyone know anything about them?
This is one of my favorite finds. It is a little 3-ring binder filled with typed song lyrics and prayers. I opened it to this page. Those of you who are of a certain age may remember taking birthing classes and having a "labor song". This Old Man was my song. I am tone deaf and can't carry tune to save myself but I belted this one out for couple of hours - LOL! When I had my second child there was no time for singing. I am sure the nurses were grateful!
Even though I have dozens of patterns waiting to be checked and listed, I can't pass up ones like this. All except the one in the upper right are for doll clothes. They are not dated but the style of the envelopes makes me think 1940s. Imagine, the little girl who's mother was making these doll clothes for is now a Grandma herself, or more likely a Great Grandmother. I love when things like this survive and can be passed along to someone who can continue to enjoy them!
Vintage Charm Party 483
1 day ago