My junking on Friday and Saturday wasn't re-letter but I was able to gather some plunder that made me happy. I hit the SST, Division Street Antiques plus one estate sale. It was advertised as a digger but really wasn't. I did come away with a nice button score and a big pile of embroidery floss.
The NOS pillow case set, glass apothecary, crochet napkin holder and 60s vase all came from a quick trip to the SST on my lunch hour Friday. I need to Google about Blenko glass and try to figure out if this is the real deal or not. Do any of you collect Blenko or know about it? It will be added to my DIL's colored glass collection.
The very crusty old typewriter and the keys are from Nina and Joe's (Division Street Antiques). It was a last chance purchase before they head east on their annual month-long buying trip. It is still sitting on my work table because it weighs about a MILLION pounds and must be made of lead. The keys are not frozen but it is in pretty rough shape but will still make an interesting display piece. For $6 it can be a doorstop!
A few little bits picked out of the button sack. The napkin holder was brown from age but some Oxy worked it's magic and it is ready to add to someone's blue cottage kitchen..
I have so many keys already and it is time to start passing them along. There are some really neat shapes in this batch..
There are some great buttons in this lot and I promise I will not forget to photography my favorites before I put them away this time.
I was delighted that these buttons were clean and had very few strings. Clearly a button-saver who respected the buttons. A woman by my own heart!
I went out again today but that will be another post. I really need to put myself in time-out until I get some of this stuff listed!!
The Eyes Of Augmented Reality
11 hours ago
How fun. I can never get over how quickly you get things cleaned and put away! I must be doing something wrong...Thank you for the encouragement with my hoard, I mean, craft room. I actually FINALLY began to make progress tonight and can see a light at the end of the tunnel!
Typewriter! Love it even if it is crusty. Great finds!
I could see you taking apart that typewriter and using the letters in some of your Steam Punk pieces.
Buttons, typewriter, old keys, you found everything that I'm always hunting for. $6 for the typewriter is a great deal, working or not. I've been in time-out for too long!
Hi Kathy, you sure found some great treasures. Love the typewriter.
The keys and buttons are always on my radar and your found such a great lot!!
Happy Thrifting!
You must be in junk heaven. What a great typewriter! And a pan of buttons with great colors. You will have much fun sorting.
I'm with you- I'd much rather have my buttons "de-threaded". They look so much better.
Fun finds!
We lived in Columbus, Ohio and had the opportunity to take a day trip to the Blenko glass factory quite some time ago. They have a signature pitcher that you can see on their home page ( It comes in many colors. We first saw Blenko's story on a PBS special during fund-raising time. We must have groaned at trying to watch it during that time, but it must have been interesting enough to keep our attention. I don't know if the piece you have is authentically Blenko. I don't remember seeing anything like it, but it wouldn't have been something that interested me. (I was just looking at the site, and I don't see any elongated vases at all, so maybe someone else made them. I would think that art glass might have some worth to someone if it's well made, though.) I think I got the pitcher for my brother as a wedding gift, and I know I got a large red apple paperweight. I know we didn't pay those prices way back when. We looked around the place. I don't think it was a formal tour, but we did get to see the artisans making some pieces. It was a nice trip. If you're ever in the area...
wow that is a great typewriter for $6 - great prop for photos!
Hi Kathy, enjoyed seeing your latest finds again but wanted to stop back by and thank you for stopping by my feature at Kris's and your kind comment. Your visits are always so special to me.
Have a great holiday weekend.
Love the typewriter and that cute crochet napkin holder! xo Heather
Holy crap! Only $6 for that typewriter? Amazing! Love it and the keys... one cannot have too many keys!!!
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