Still working on the quote book. I love the quote on the left and used to use it as the tag line on my emails. Ideas are like that for me, I need to act on them right away, before they slip away.
A while back I said I thought I was nearly finished altering this book and ready to move on to the next one - WRONG! I went through the book, removing pages and gluing pages together and found I actually have 40, count 'em FOURTY, more pages to fill. If you are thinking of making an altered book, choose one that isn't too thick! Even with that many pages left I'm still feeling like I'm getting close and kind of motivated to finish it. That is a good thing since play time in the altered book absolutely improves my outlook!
I made a quick stop at Michael's to pick up some glitter on my way home from work and they had a big rack of pretty ribbons on sale for $1 each. I had to pick up a few, just because who could resist? I think some will become borders for some new pages in the quote book.
Feeding Your Soul
2 hours ago
What a great quote!! Who could pass up such pretty ribbon for a $1!! xo Heather
The quote on the left is excellent! Forty more pages to fill -- how big will this be when completed? I admire your creativity and attention span. :-)
Love that quote!! The book will be great when it's finished--I love looking through my sketchbooks that I have--it's interesting to see how your art changes through the years.
How lovely - really liking your quote and graphics - hmmm may need to make a run to Michaels LOL
I love the words coming off her hat...very literal. Great quote. I think I need to capture quotes I love like this in a book...Smiles...Renee
That's a lot more pages! How long have you been working on this book? Do you have others you've completed?
It's a good thing I can't shop yet! Between Michael's and JoAnn's I would be so broke!
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