The very talented Karla Nathan at Karla's Cottage threw down a challenge for her readers to use some of "the good stuff" in their projects. The GOOD stuff. The treasures we accumulate but for whatever reason, hold so near and dear that we don't ever commit them to a project because then we won't "have" them anymore.

Yes, it sounds a little like hoarding, doesn't it! Maybe Karla is trying to save us from ourselves -
LOL! These special treasures are different things for different people. I can tear a vintage book to pieces without batting an eye - just get out the smelling salts and ask my
DIL. Ask me to cut up my vintage hankies or part with a glass rhinestone button, well good gawd, somebody bring me the crying towel.

It took me so long to muster up the courage that I barely finished in time for the deadline. I used a gorgeous sheer rose patterned hankie and I used two (two!) glass rhinestone buttons and THE UNIVERSE DID NOT CRACK OPEN, although I did feel some quaking in my heart.
I have to confess that I did not cut the hankie. Couldn't do it. Just could not close the scissors. Even though it is irreversibly committed to this little collage it is just folded and held in place with stitching, glue and seed beads. I did however {GASP} cut the shank off one of the buttons.
Okay, been there, proved I could do it, now I am going back to hoarding. Thank you, Karla, for trying! I am linking up with the
challenge over at Karla's and heading over there now to see how everyone else fared. There are bound to be some beautiful creations so be sure and check it out!
Well, all I can say is you have guts to flue, attach -- however you did it! And I hope you think the result is as beautiful as I do. It is absolutely lovely.
She is gorgeous! Glad you went for it.
I love the use of the hankie and lace--beautiful combination. I did have a shudder or two using some of my best stuff. Thank you for sharing.
LOL! Well, maybe you'll let go of a few more of the 'good stuff' now and then! Your piece is lovely. Thank you for participating in the challenge.
What a beautiful piece of art. All the components that you made yourself part with are just perfect for it!!
Thanks for joining us.
I won't tell! (I'm still hoarding rhinestone buttons too! ssshhh! don't tell Karla!)
hee! hee! karen....
You're so funny! I understand that unwillingness to cut up/alter/use the 'good stuff' but then again, what are we saving it for? Glad to see you didn't cause any permanent damage to the universe when you cut the shank off your button and the results of it all are *lovely*. :-)
I just love how your layered the lacy hanky- it adds such depth to your collage- I really had to study it- so pretty!
This is gorgeous. I feel your pain. I fight that pain with more antique shopping. I find that I never use the good things either...I am saving them for something? Beautifully done...well worth the pain...smiles...Renee
What an adorable post :) I LOVE your collage!! It is stunning and I dont think you could have done anything more perfect with your good stuff!!
But look at what you have now Kathy! Instead of these items being coveted--they're now art for you to enjoy--it's just exquisite!
The earth didn't crack! You make me laugh, but I totally understand! It turned out just beautiful, you should be very happy!
You did it, and I feel your pain! Well, pain no more, I'm sure, because you created a wonderful piece with those special treasures.
Your piece turned out beautifully and your post about it really made me smile. It's funny how much alike we all are with our hoarding the lovelies. :)
She is gorgeous! So glad you dipped into the Good Stuff. Thanks for visiting my Good Stuff too!
Kathy, this is absolutely beautiful. Truly...I keep going back to look at it! I have no problem cutting a hankie, but I can't bring myself to cut or tear a page from a book! I'm so glad I'm not alone about saving the good stuff! Well done my friend!
I too find it hard to use my besties! Lovfe your beauitful artwork.
Thanks for popping by and saying hi.
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