Early one Spring morning not too long ago I was sitting on my patio enjoying my coffee before I got ready for the day. Steam was wafting up from my coffee cup and the birds were just starting to wake up when I saw a flash of wings and a splash in the fishpond. Naturally, I jumped up and dashed to the pond to see what was going on. I was delighted to find a nesting pair of Mallard ducks had stopped by for a rest. I was SO excited in hopes they would decide to stay and I would get to witness the nest and baby ducks! I named them Jack and Diane, just two American ducks doing the best that they can.
Yes, I did Google to see if they would eat my fish. Mr. Google said they would not.
Well, by the time I got home from work that night Jack and Diane had moved on. I went out to feed the fish. I called them (yes, they come to eat when I call), I dibbled my fingers in the water to get their attention, no fish. They were gone.
Well. Evidently they hadn't checked with Mr. Google!
The water quality had been plagued by suspended silt for the last two years so I decided I would just let it evaporate down and take the opportunity to clean up the pond and do a water change. Making Lemonade. You may recall I abandoned my rubber boots in Pennsylvania so I could fit rolls of vintage wallpaper in my suitcase. I spotted these red boots in my size at The Bins. Score! I brought them home and bleached the insides and scrubbed the outsides and got ready for pond cleaning. Every night I checked the water level to make sure the pump wasn't exposed.

When the pond got down to about a foot deep I spotted the fish. They were all huddled together, under the water poppies, in one corner. A hundred fish in about 18 square inches. Jack and Diane had just scared the jeepers out of them! I called Husband to come quick.
Him: I'll get the hose!
Me: I'll get the food!