Here I am, once again apologizing for my absence. Making a living sure cuts in to the play time! My week was not totally without accomplishment in the art room. Since my eyes are cooperating a little better I stitched up the first page in my antique crochet sampler book. It seems like it could still use something but I'm not sure what so I'm calling it done for the moment.
As usual, I got carried away on the scope of this project and there are a LOT of pages. Hand stitching really isn't my thing. I don't have the patience for it. This project will be a page at a time, like my altered quote books.
I always think I need to complete one thing before I can start the next. I think it is because my Mother would only let me bring out one toy at a time. I had to put it away before I could bring out a different one. Sometimes I rush too much to finish something because I want to move on to the next idea. Thanks Mom.
Hear ye, hear ye, throughout the land! I am a big girl and I hereby give myself permission to work on multiple projects simultaneously. Now if I only had a 100' workbench!
The Eyes Of Augmented Reality
11 hours ago