This is what I've been playing around with this week. Making th
e little journal from the Teesha Moore lesson set my brain buzzing with ideas for other journals I wanted to try making. Then I remembered the big stack of v
intage sheet music I have accumulted and decided they would be just the thing for the covers.
This front cover is a collaged combination of the sheet music, roses I cut from some wrapping paper and a pretty postage stamp. I love that title - how perfect for a journal! The back is covered with scrapbook paper. The journal for the Teesha Moore class was entirely watercolor paper. I wanted this journal to be more like an altered book. The inside pages are made from book pages with printing
that will lend itself to journaling and "altering". There is a variety of types and sizes of blank papers including pages from a vintage accounting journal and sewn-in envelopes. Some of the pages have their original edges and I cut scallops along the edge of others. Two have fold-out on the end so they have even
more room for drawing or journaling. Lots of fun places to stash bits and pieces!