Well phooey, another week nearly slipped away without a post. The good news is... last Saturday marked the final go-live for a project I have been working for the past two years at the big girl job. Last night we had closure with a celebration event. It has been exhausting and there are plenty of new projects on the horizon but the train has pulled in to the station. I am sooo happy to have it behind me. I always say I make my living as a Business Analyst and I make my joy junking and blogging. I am looking forward to more time for making my joy for a while!

The Bins has become my refuge, giving me a 45 minute break of mindless junking in the middle of nearly every work day. It is a love/hate relationship. It has preserved what little is left of my exhausted little pea-brain by forcing me out of my office instead of working straight through for 9 hours every day but it also adds another 4 hours to the end of every day while I photograph, list, pack and ship to keep my head above water in the art room.
I am getting burned out on that front, as well, and need to shift back the other way so I can find some time for "making". I am craving some time putting together inspiration kits and altered Altoids tins.
I really just need a vacation to get caught up. A really long vacation. You can probably tell that by now! This "First Christmas" is a 40s pop-up book in its original box. All of these photos are Bins finds from last week.
These are the first gold Monopoly game pieces I have found. Yes, I have a collection. I found this odd dragonfly ring in the bottom of a bin. No matter which way I put it on, it seems like a weapon - LOL.
This isn't my first rodeo on a project like this but I was in my 40s last time. It was MUCH harder this time. 29 months to go until making my joy can be at the tops of the list. In the meantime I am hanging in, showing up, paying attention and trying to add value.
This TV tray is missing the legs but I'm pretty sure I have a tray in the attic with a much worse top and I can switch out the legs for this one.
Anybody remember those "baby" A&W rootbeer mugs? This one included a dead spider. He way mummified so he was light and didn't cost much. I didn't give you much commentary on the junk this time and I hope you don't think I'm whining. Maybe you will just think I have lost my mind. You might be right.
Seriously, I might have. I bought three chair legs today. Three. I don't know why I thought THAT was a good idea. I have next Thursday and Friday off. Thank goodness.